Simerics® MP/MP+ software is using following 3rd party libraries:
Qt 5.15.0 – Cross-platform application and GUI framework. These libraries are dynamically linked under GNU LGPL 2.1 license and include following modifications: Changes that can be redistributed under same GNU LGPL 2.1 license.
Qt 4.8.5 – Cross-platform application and GUI framework. These libraries are dynamically linked under a GNU LGPL 2.1 license and includes the following modifications: Changes that can be redistributed under same GNU LGPL 2.1 license.
OpenMPI 4.0.4 – Open MPI is distributed with software for multicomputer cluster computation under the 3-clause BSD license.
METIS – Family of Graph and Hypergraph Partitioning Software. This library can be freely redistributed. It is based on the following paper: “A Fast and Highly Quality Multilevel Scheme for Partitioning Irregular Graphs” by George Karypis and Vipin Kumar.
Adaptive Precision – Floating-Point Arithmetic and Fast Robust Predicates for Computational Geometry. Placed in the public domain by Jonathan Richard Shewchuk.
ImGui library for optimized vertex buffers written by Omar Cornut and redistributed under MIT license.
ImGuizmo library for view matrices manipulation written by Cedric Guillemet and redistributed under MIT license.