Simerics at CII Fluid Power Expo 2023
Simerics will be an exhibitor at CII Fluid Power Expo 2023.
Dr. Dipak Maiti will be presenting a paper “Engineering Simulation for Fluid Power Equipment” at their Fluid Power Conference.
The Fluid Power Expo is a flagship event promoted by Fluid Power Society of India (FPSI). It aims at connecting various fluid power industry segments by providing a forum for sharing the latest trends and developments in fluid power technology.
Fluid Power Expo 2023 will be held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India on February 16-18, 2023.Please visit us at Hall #3, booth #G14!
Simerics presentation at AIAA SciTech 2023 Forum
A paper “Performance and Validation of a Segregated Pressure-based Solver for Computations of Low and High-Speed Compressible Flows” will be presented at AIAA SciTech 2023 Forum by Ashutosh Pandey.
Authors: Ashutosh Pandey, Junfeng Wang, Dipak Maiti, and Yu Jiang
Session: APA-73, Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics VI (Friday, January 27 from 9:30 AM to 11:10 AM Eastern Time)
Presentation Date/Time: Friday, January 27, 9.30 AM (start time)
Room: Potomac 4The AIAA SciTech 2023 Forum is being held January 23- 27, 2023 at Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center, National Harbor, Maryland, USA and Online.
Simerics-MP products are now available in Canada
Canada and USA 23 January 2023 – Virtura3D has added value to the design and engineering markets bringing leading technology to Canadian engineers for improved prototype iterations and hardware prototype cycles for years.
Formerly operating only in the USA, Virtura3D now brings Simerics-MP products to the broader Canadian market, providing new modern workflows that save thousands of dollars in CFD model setup, simulation times, and post processing times. This partnership provides the simulation community with a single source for high-end CFD analysis at an affordable price and with the speed and accuracy needed to match and reduce the need for physical prototypes.
By working together, Simerics and Virtura3D offer an inclusive workflow where simulation engineers import any CAD model, setup a CFD simulation, mesh and solve in minutes and post process in real-time through one easy-to-use based interface.
To read the full press release click here -
Simerics presentations at ASME IMECE®
Simerics will have two joint presentations at ASME IMECE® International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition® which will be held October 30-November 3, 2022 at Greater Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, Ohio.
A paper “Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer in an Electric Motor” will be presented on November 2, 2002 at 3:03pm by Ashutosh Pandey. This joint paper between Simerics and Ford Motor Company will be a part of an Industrial Flows-1 Session (Wednesday, Nov. 2 from 2 PM to 3.45 PM-Room: B230/B231)
A paper “Design a Low Specific Speed Dry Pit Solids Handling Pump with Pure 3-D Computational Fluid Dynamics Virtual Testing” will be a video presentation. This is a joint paper between Flowserve Cooperation (Azfar Ali) and Simerics, Inc (Zhuoyu Zhou).
PTC User Conference 2022
Simerics will be a Signature Sponsor at PTC User Conference 2022 in Orlando, FL. This year PTC User Conference will be held at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Orlando, Florida at Sea World on October 3-6, 2022. Visit us at booth # 207!
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