
  • PumpLinx 3.4 Released

    Simerics is proud to announce the release of PumpLinx® Version 3.4. PumpLinx® is a CFD simulation tool unique for virtual testing of fluid pumps, motors, compressors, valves, and systems with rotating and/or sliding components. It is particularly distinguished by its ability to model liquid systems with aeration and cavitation.
    Starting with a 3-D CAD design, PumpLinx® enables the engineer to create a virtual test article and generate flow visualization and engineering output similar in accuracy to full scale hardware test, at a fraction of the time and cost. Among other advances, the newly released PumpLinx® v3.4 includes improved mesh generation capabilities, additional physical models such as flexible walls, and new templates and template features.
    To find out more, please sign-up for the upcoming New Features Webinar, scheduled for June 10, 2014.

  • Simerics Automotive Users’ Meeting

    Simerics Detroit Office took the lead in organizing the first Simerics Users’ Conference. The conference was held immediately following the SAE 2014 conference and focused on the Automotive Industry. More than twenty users, including those from major automotive companies (GM, Toyota, Ford, Chrysler, and Tata Motors) attended the meeting. Based on the response of our users, it was big success for Simerics. Simerics is planning to add this event to its yearly calendar.
    Sincere thanks go out to all participants and presenters!

  • Simerics® at SAE 2014 World Congress and Exhibition

    Simerics will be participating in the SAE 2014 World Congress and Exhibition held on April 8-10, 2014 at Cobo Center,Detroit, Michigan, USA

    To see  the latest upgrades to PumpLinx, or talk to our engineers, visit us at booth 430!

    To learn more go to SAE 2014 World Congress website.

  • Simerics and PumpLinx at 2014 IFPE Show

    Simerics attended the 2014 IFPE Show   in Las Vegas, NV, March 4-8. The show itself has over 400 exhibitors, including virtually all major pump and valve manufacturers in the Fluid Power Industry.   The technical sessions also had several sessions on Fluid Power components, including a presentation on “Improving the position control performance of a Proportional spool valve, using a 3D CFD modeling [PumpLinx],” by A. Senatore, D. Buono, E. Frosina, University of Naples Federico II, M. Pavanetto, I.I. Costin, Duplomatic Oledinamica S.p.A., and M. Olivetti, OMIQ s.r.l.  That research paper shows excellent agreement between the PumpLinx predictions and experimental data.

    A complete  list of papers can be found at here and individual articles will be available via  NFPA

  • Simerics and CFturbo sign collaborative agreement

    CFturbo GmbH and Simerics Inc. have signed an agreement  to develop and maintain interfaces between the turbomachinery design software CFturbo®; and Simerics’ virtual testing CFD tools PumpLinx and Simerics MP. This collaboration will offer the user of both software packages a complete process for the design, the analysis and the simulation of turbo machineries.

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