
  • Webinar: Design Studies and Optimization with CAESES® and Simerics-MP®

    In this webinar, which will be held January 18, 2018,  Simerics and FRIENDSHIP SYSTEMS are joining forces to show you how their tools Simerics-MP® and CAESES® can be used in applications related to the design and optimization of pumps and valves. We will give you an idea of the unique characteristics of the two tools, what your benefits are and – most importantly – demonstrate the capabilities and the workflow on a relevant real-life example.

    To Register please go here.

  • Webinar: Orca3D Marine CFD Simulation

    Join us for a webinar on January 9, 2018 at 9:00 AM EDT (3:00 PM Central European)

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    Orca3D Marine CFD brings the power of Computational Fluid Dynamics to naval architects for resistance and propulsion analyses, without the need to become a CFD specialist. Now you can easily analyze the hydrodynamic performance of your displacement and planing hull designs with confidence in the results. Both monohulls and multihulls can be explored, and the effects of local design features including steps, flaps, trim tabs, foils, and other appendages can be investigated with high fidelity. With Orca3D Marine CFD, it takes just minutes to set up and start an analysis, and it is practical to run on ordinary engineering laptops or desktops.

    This webinar will begin by quickly setting up and starting an analysis, followed by a more detailed look at the steps involved. Benchmark results will be presented, both by our naval architects and an Orca3D Marine CFD user, and techniques will be shown to assure that your results are reliable. Finally, the initial analysis will be revisited, to demonstrate how data can be visualized, plotted, and exported.

    To register click here

    Registration is limited, so be sure to register soon.
    After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

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  • Simerics at HI 2017 Fall Conference

    Simerics is one of the sponsors  at HI 2017 Fall Conference. For the first time, the Hydraulic Institute (HI) is co-locating its 2017 Fall Conference with the Fluid Sealing Association (FSA) Fall Meeting. The meeting is being held October 23 – 26, 2017 at Renaissance Worthington, Fort Worth, TX. Please visit our booth at HI 2017 Fall Conference!

  • Simerics at SNAME 2017

    Simerics will be an exhibitor at SNAME Maritime Convention 2017 which will be held Oct 24-28, 2017 at Hyatt Regency Houston.  SNAME  is an internationally recognized non-profit, professional society of individual members from more than 85 countries, serving the maritime and offshore industries and their suppliers.

    To learn about Simerics’ latest developments for Marine industry, please visit us at booth number 207!


    Simerics will be a sponsor at ASME/BATH FPMC. ASME/BATH FPMC is a Symposium on Fluid Power and Motion Control organized by the Fluid Power Systems & Technology Division (FPST) of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and The University of Bath Centre for Power Transmission and Motion Control (PTMC).  This year it will be held October 16-19 in Sarasota, FL. Please visit our booth to learn about the latest developments from Simerics.

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